If you want to try your luck at generating a whole new world, the mod’s subreddit has a guide to get you started. If and when it becomes stable, though, the mod should lend itself to hug and rich generated histories at the push of a button (well, almost). Right now it seems to be something to try at your own risk while modders isolate what’s causing the bugs. Unfortunately, this ambition seems to take its toll on the actual Crusader Kings engine: the subreddit is full of would-be modders who’ve had to endure crash after crash while trying to get the thing to load. It generates an entire world and population to an extent that many hand-made fictional worlds never reach.
This modification and it's team takes no income or profit, whether it be through donations, advertisements or any other form of revenue. Conflicts of inheritance can be simulated wars can take place between kingdoms land can be conquered and settled and re-conquered. From CK3 Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game. 'A Game of Thrones' is a user modification for Crusader Kings II not affiliated in anyway with Paradox Interactive or the rights holders to 'Game of Thrones' and 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. Entire dynasties are developed, with births, deaths, and family trees all accounted for by the procedural generation. Even though the simulation isn’t as detailed as the vanilla game, the CK2 Generator still boasts an impressive amount of complexity for an algorithm.